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On April 15, 2019, a massive fire engulfed the historic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. While the fire was devastating to Paris and global citizens alike, it was the rapid action of firefighters that helped limit the spread of the disaster, ensuring only the roof and spire of the cathedral were affected. Part of the reason the firefighters were so successful is that they were equipped with advanced technology, including drones.

As they battled the blaze, French firefighters relied heavily on drones like the DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual, an M210, and the Parrot Anafi Thermal. Each of these pieces of drone technology played a critical part in the battle with the fire – providing insight into the spread of the fire, and helping firefighters plan their most effective strategies. 

Here at DroneNerds, we proudly carry the DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual, Matrice 210 and the Parrot Anafi Thermal, and we’re thrilled that our technology was part of such a critical mission.

How French Firefighters Used Drones to Save Notre Dame

It’s easy to see how the fire at Notre Dame could have been much worse than it was. The building, which was completed in 1345, is comprised of dry wood and materials that are very susceptible to fire. Additionally, the density of the area surrounding the historic cathedral would make traditional fire fighting measures difficult or impossible to access. 

Fortunately, French firefighters were able to use drones to control the breeze. Drones allowed firefighting teams to secure aerial vantage points, which provided critical insight into the behavior of the fire, and the best position for things like fire hoses and firefighting teams. While firefighters on the ground were initially concerned that the fire would engulf the Cathedral’s two Gothic bell towers and spread to the front of the cathedral, the use of drones helped ensure the cathedral did not incur any significant structural damage. 

Once the fire was under control, a spokesperson for the French fire brigade discussed the role drones played in saving Notre Dame:

“The drones allowed us to use our available means in the best possible way…“It is thanks to these drones, to this new technique unavoidable today, that we could make tactical choices to stop this fire at a time when it was potentially occupying the two belfries.”

While French firefighters could have used helicopters to monitor the blaze, large aircraft would have been both less flexible and dramatically more expensive, delaying firefighting efforts and altering the outcome of the rescue effort. 

Drones: Overhauling the World of Modern Firefighting

Drones are becoming a fixture in the world of firefighting. While they’ve permeated wildland firefighting scenarios, being used to map California’s wildfires, for example, they’re also critical in urban firefighting operations. 

Without the assistance of drones like the Parrot Anafi Thermal and associated thermal imaging technology, the Notre Dame Cathedral likely would have suffered extensive structural damage, costing the global population one of the world’s most recognizable landmarks. 

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